Research and teaching in Applied Maths

Curriculum Vitae

    Full CV available here (pdf -- last updated Spring 2021).

Brief bio.

Aug. 2018 - Dec. 2020

Research fellow (0.5FTE), School of Mathematics, University of Leeds.

EPSRC-funded, through the Data Assimilation for the REsilient City (DARE) research project. Initially until July 2020, extended until Dec. 2020 via a pilot project.

Jan. 2018 - Aug. 2020

Teaching assistant (0.5FTE), School of Mathematics, University of Leeds.

    Teaching (tutorials, workshops, lectures, assessment...) numerous courses on the Mathematics undergaduate degree program, including student supervision for projects.
June - Dec. 2017

Career break

Time out travelling in UK, Europe, and NZ.

Jan. - June 2017

Postdoc research, Applied Mathematics, University of Leeds.

EPSRC-funded: 'Impact Accelerator Award' and Maths Foresees network.

May 2013 - Dec. 2016

Postgraduate researcher (PhD), Applied Mathematics, University of Leeds.

EPSRC-funded CASE award with the Met Office.

Jan. - April 2013

Freelance content writer

Health and environmental research, Research Media.

Oct. – Dec. 2012

Visiting Scientist, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany.

Three month visit to the 'Statistical climatology and extreme events' group at GEOMAR, hosted by Douglas Maraun (now at Uni Graz). Funded by EU COST Action VALUE.

Sept. 2011 - Sept. 2012

MSc Meteorology and Climatology, University of Birmingham.

    Awarded: distinction
Sept. 2007 - July 2011

BSc Mathematics (with study abroad), University of Bristol

Awarded: 1st class (hons), with Sept. 2009 - Aug. 2010 spent at the Technical University of Dresden.


    6. EPSRC's Data Assimilation for the Resilient City (DARE) Pilot Project award (£24,216.50), August - December 2020.
    5. Research workshop grant: London Mathematical Society (£2500) and Leeds' School of Maths (£2500) for hosting DA workshop, 16-17 May 2019, Leeds.
    4. EPSRC Impact Accelerator Award (Business Engagement), University of Leeds. PDRA funding for Jan.- Mar. 2017.
    2. EPSRC CASE award (PhD funding: School of Mathematics, Univ. of Leeds, and the Met Office; for 3.5 years from April 2013).
    1. EU COST Action VALUE Short Term Scientific Mission grant (€2500) for research visit to GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany (Oct. - Dec. 2012).




Repositories under tkent198.

DA workshop

School of Maths, Leeds, 16/17 May 2019 - more info here.